Friday, November 5, 2010


Dear Fall,

You make me so happy. and I will be much, much, much happier after Wednesday. (Three tests and one project to go.) I can't even begin to describe how much I love fall, especially this one. Even though it's toward the end of the year, fall always seems to have new beginnings, and I'm loving this one. I think I finally found my place in Lincoln. It's only taken two and a half years, but it was worth the wait.
After Wednesday, I get to start enjoying life a little more. My friend Hanna is teaching me to knit, which I am super stoked about. Also, I ordered C.S. Lewis's signature collection and the package has been taunting me since Tuesday. The third season of How I Met Your Mother awaits in my mailbox, and I get to go home on Friday. Quadruple win.
I think November and I are going to get along really well.

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