Saturday, February 26, 2011


Made it home safe and sound.
...Spent the afternoon feeding my hgtv addiction with my wonderful mother.
...Attempted to get some homework done.
...Ate [way too much] of an awesome homecooked meal. Ham, scalloped corn, baked potatoes, biscuits and spice cake. Thank you, Dad!
...Played with my beautiful niece.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
and in less than 40 hours I will know if I will be living in Nebraska next year or one of 11 other states. oh my word, how quickly life can change in such a small amount of time.

home sweet home.

Day Two of trying to make it home.
Dept of Roads still says to "use extreme caution".
Come on, sun. Melt this stuff.
I've got some very important people to see!
Headed out for a long run, then back to the island!

Excited to see them,
and her

and these two lovely ladies, as well!

Friday, February 18, 2011

just kidding.

Just's definitely not 62 degrees. I realized that quickly when I walked outside and found frost on all of the cars. Thank you, weather app for deceiving me. It's actually only 30 degrees right now.
But, it's still Friday, and
I still get to see some of my favorite people.

Happy Friday!

It's Friday morning.
I'm about to go run.
I can hear the birds chirping.
It's already 62 degrees. (In Nebraska..what?!?)
I get to see Brandon tonight,
babysit my favorite kids tomorrow, and
see Jordan Sunday.

Sounds like a good weekend to me. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

surprises in the mailbox.

Had a few lovely little surprises when I got home!
I love that I have friends who are letter writers. The only mail I ever get is bills, wrong addresses or junk, so I love it when I see an envelop with actual handwriting on it! I even got a cute little homemade barrett from my sweet friend, Michelle for Valentines day. All three letters that I got just made my day even better.
I love that it's something tangible that I can keep, whereas a text message or an email gets deleted when your inbox fills up. I hope these are things I can look back on when I'm older and prove that not every young person was a product of this technological environment. ;)
Sure, it's much easier to call, text or facebook the person you want to talk to, but it's so much more meaningful knowing someone took the time to handwrite you a note and send it through snail mail just to brighten your day. Once again, thankful for such great friends!


What a wonderful, beautiful weekend.
I spent time at my favorite place in the world, Carol Joy Holling. It was exactly what I needed. I've been feeling a little "blehh" lately--but seeing my friends, being at camp and worshipping together was just the perfect way for God to reach me.
It was so great that we were all able to pick up right where we left off, even though some of us hadn't seen each other since July. Friendships were strengthened, s'mores were eaten by the fire, camp songs were sung, and many, many laughs were shared. The weather was absolutely beautiful for winter in Nebraska, 60 degrees!

I couldn't have asked for a better place to spend my weekend, or better people to spend it with. Now, summer, please hurry up so I can live there!

Okay, off to go write that paper I've been putting off. Going to need some serious help from my friend, caffeine. Great weekend, but major lack of sleep. Oh well, so worth it.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I spent my lunch break today at Barnes & Noble with the intent of getting some studying done. After a few minutes of studying I decided I would rather continue getting lost in The Hunger Games series. Weird books, but so addicting. I also added a few to my already-too-long list of books to read.
If only I had more time. There are so many stories calling out my name.
So sad.
Any recommendations or new favorites you have?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

post-interview update.

This is not going to be a frantic "oh my gosh, I'm a failure" post, thank goodness.
My interview was an hour and twenty minutes long! Luckily it seemed to go pretty fast.
I don't really know how to feel about it.
I think it went pretty well, but I know I had some awkward moments
(Like getting halfway through my answer and forgetting what the question was in the first place.)
Of course now that it's over I'm going to be thinking about how much better the other candidates answered the questions.
I am so relieved that it's over, though. I can get back to focusing on school this week and I will try to wait patiently for 20 more days before hearing back from them!

All last night I was worrying about it and rehearsing what I would say for potential questions when I took a facebook break and noticed the status of my friend, Jo.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 4:6-7

Perfect timing.
Funny how those little moments show up right when you need a reminder.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Tomorrow is going to be a big, big day.
I have a phone interview with Lutheran Volunteer Corps!
Is it weird that I'd rather have an interview in person?
How will they really know me or know that I'm not a serial killer?
Can't anyone sound presentable on the phone?
I get goosebumps everytime I think about this!

On a side note related to LVC,
it means the absolute world to me to know that my parents are supporting me in this.
(If I get in, that is...and I think I only have about a 1 in 4ish chance so I'm not getting too excited yet.)
I am so blessed to have such wonderful parents.
My sister and brother are pretty rockin', too. :)
And special thanks to Becca for the reference letter!

I may have a frantic update tomorrow post-interview if things don't go well.
Hopefully there will be no need for that!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

rude moppers and virtual babies.

Holy cats, I could really get used to this no working thing. My preschool was closed today because of the snow so I got to come home right after class and I have gotten soooo much done!
Don't get me wrong, I love my kiddos, but this week I really need the extra hours to put into studying.
Speaking of...I need to get back to that.
It's going to be a long night.
One quick pet peeve before I go.
I had to leave my apartment tonight because I was going to go nuts with all of the studying, so I went to Starbucks. (That's another pet peeve..I don't have a place to study within miles of my apartment!) Anyway, I get to Starbucks around 8:30 so I have a solid hour and a half to do work on math. but noo..the man across from me had his headphones blaring, and the anxious-to-leave barista was mopping and sweeping around my feet.
Am I the only one who thinks that's rude?
It's like she's telling me to get out an hour before closing.

Okay that's all.
Back to math, espanol and raising my virtual child.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

sNOw day.

It's official. Chancellor Harvey Perlman is now hated by all of the Huskers. All of the public schools are closed again, my work is closed again, a lot of businesses are closed again, but UNL is open for business.
Here's the forecast: low of -15 with a windchill of -40, winds 35mph.
And those are just the conditions we'll face walking the several blocks to class. Driving is what's going to cause me a panic attack, heart attack or ya know, possible death by ice.
I've heard the roads are a lot worse tonight than they were this morning.

I created my own snow day today.
We weren't doing anything super important in either class so I decided it wasn't worth risking my life.
Tomorrow is another story..
Reviews for tests that are this Friday.

These are the only days that I wish I lived on campus.