Monday, March 1, 2010


Booo Monday night. I had to watch the Bachelor choose stink face, now I have to watch him on DWTS. Jake, quit taking over my tv! (At least he won't make it past round 2) I am however pretty stoked for the new season, I can't wait to watch Kate & Niecy! I was a bit disappointed in the cast though, they must be running out of stars.

I am noticing a pattern that I start to blog when I procrastinate.
and I ramble
and ramble
and ramble

On another note, I am so glad it's March. That means spring is coming! Spring is my absolute favorite time of year. Sun and thunderstorms?
Yes, please.

Okay, well I best be going. I still have a Spanish paper to finish editing & a comm paper to start...
I will never learn.

Hope you all have a wonderful may be a while before my next post...papers and midterms.

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