Monday, January 24, 2011

half marathon.

Well, tonight I decided there is a 51% chance that I'll register for the half marathon. I started the training about two weeks ago with the goal of just getting in shape and not actually running the race, (for fear of public humiliation and/or hospitalization) but I have a good friend running it who wants me to join her.

Time to get serious.
I've been doing all of my workouts but I've been taking too many walk breaks.
The kleenex breaks, I can't help. but the walking--I can try harder.

I also figure if I post this for people to see, I'm less likely to give up.
I've never been a runner. Ever. I huffed and puffed finishing the mile in p.e. for crying out loud.
I'm actually really enjoying the running, though.
It clears my sinuses, gives me more energy, and I am accomplishing something I never thought possible. (okay, okay so I'm only two weeks in..)
Anyway...time to go run.
Hasta luego!


  1. Proud of you! Who are you running with? I'll be on the sidelines cheering :)

  2. It only gets better, believe me. As long as you stick to the training (mostly) you'll be fine.

  3. haha well IF we decide to do it, I'm running it with Hanna, a friend from my Bible study. We're going to train for a few more weeks to decide if we'll be able to do it. We don't want to sign up yet because you can't withdraw and it costs $55. buuuuut I'm way more out of shape than I thought.
