Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Indecisive is my middle name.

Camp or Spain?
Switch majors or keep the one I have?

Both of these very large decsions have to be made either within the next week or by the end of the month.
And in case you weren't aware, I am the worst decision maker ever.
I have a very hard time understanding that sometimes there is not a "wrong choice" to make when you have two perfectly good options.
I don't want to make the "wrong decision" for fear I will spend the summer in Spain, wishing I was at camp, or vise versa.
I don't want to start a new major, realize I hate it then have wasted another semester.

Even though what I major in seems like a bigger life decision, (and the decision that needs to be made next week) I'm way more stressed about choosing between camp and Spain.
Probably because I feel that I have my whole life to finish school and decide what I want to do, and working at camp and going to Spain may only be opportunities for this coming summer.

I could go on and on and on, but I'll leave those ramblings inside my head for now to spare you all what could be multiple pages of thoughts.
But they're probably coming soon...writing helps me process.

If anyone has any good decision making tips, send them my way!
Please and thank you.


  1. Pray Pray Pray!!! All the time!! I've been through a couple situations in witch i was torn and didn't know what to do....God will speak to you at the right time. I'll pray for you as well!
