Monday, October 25, 2010


I'm temporarily back from my hiatus to write a very important post.

As you know, I work at a pre-school and love it more than I ever imagined I would. It may seem odd, but I have learned so much from my three year olds and I feel like I know them as well as I know my friends. They are like little adults. I know the life of a three year old may not seem hard, but they really do have to deal with a lot at that age, I know so much about each kid's personality and I can imagine what they will be like as they get older. I learn so much from just watching them interact with each other.
The brilliant, yet simple statements that come from their mouths never cease to amaze me. I wish every person had the hearts of my kids. They are always telling each other to use "teamwork" and to "be kind". Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone followed those two things?

I could go on and on about my kids, but this post does have a very important point/request.

Hope, one of my little girls, is in St. Louis right now and she was scheduled to have an SDR surgery today for spastic cerebral palsy. After having pre-op procedures done, they discovered she was no longer a candidate for the surgery and that she doesn't even have spastic cp, but dystonic. The family is staying in St. Louis, hoping for a cancellation soon so they can learn about this new diagnosis and what it means for Hope's life.
I never realized how much I would learn from a three year old, and let me tell you, this one melts my heart. She is so sweet, always happy and makes me laugh all the time. I am with Hope five days a week and I never stop learning from her. I can't wait until she is back in school.

Please, please, please pray for Hope and her family as they try to figure out what's next for their beautiful daughter who has touched my heart in so many ways.

thanks, everyone :)


  1. poor little soul =/ sending my love..

  2. Aw. This made me tear up a little. :(
    I imagine what they will be like when they are grown too. Little kids are always the happiest people ever. I wish everyone was as full of love as they are.
    I hope all goes well for little Hope. Such a pretty name!
