Even though I am a day camp coordinator this summer, I had the privilege to stay on site Week 1 and work at The Springs. (aka my favorite) It was wonderful.
That week, I felt joy that I had not felt since being there last summer. Camp Carol Joy stole my heart two years ago, and it's safe to say I'm a goner.
Week 1 was incredible. I had one camper who cried and cried the first two days. He just plain hated the outdoors and did not want to do anything but sit in air conditioning and go home. Throughout the week, I got him to try new things. This kid ended up loving the high ropes course, swimming, adventure hiking, and adventure canoeing. His parents did not believe me when I told him the things he had done. The best part is, he totally loved every minute of it. He thanked me countless times for taking him adventure hiking.
Week 1 was incredible. I had one camper who cried and cried the first two days. He just plain hated the outdoors and did not want to do anything but sit in air conditioning and go home. Throughout the week, I got him to try new things. This kid ended up loving the high ropes course, swimming, adventure hiking, and adventure canoeing. His parents did not believe me when I told him the things he had done. The best part is, he totally loved every minute of it. He thanked me countless times for taking him adventure hiking.
Awesome, awesome things happened on this hike. This is when my group really bonded. I had a camper who got really frustrated and upset about being hot, tired, sweaty and dirty. During this adventure hike, she had to walk across a short log over a tiny stream. She missed her step and went straight in the mud. Let me tell you, I was waiting for a meltdown. We all were. Instead, she started giggling. Pretty soon, my whole group was crying from laughing so hard.
As we kept hiking, we saw a friendo (friendship bracelet to you non-camp people) hanging from a tree. I didn't think anything of it, but one of my girls asked if it was a prayer tree. When I told her it was not made for that purpose, she asked if we could change that. So my little village of middle schoolers gathered around, everyone holding onto the friendo and they each prayed. Holy moly. I melted. God is so great.
And then, another smartie said "You know, it's kind of like we are discovering God's Kingdom out here." The theme for our summer is just that--"Discovering God's Kingdom". These moments when the campers make connections like this just put me completely in awe of God.
I could not have asked for a better way to kick off my summer than to spend the week at camp with these incredible kiddos.
SO happy your back to blogging!