I really, really miss Mexico. It's been eight months since I crossed the border, which was a tease since we couldn't go to La Iglesia Cristo Rey anyway. I miss the kids, the culture, the weather, the ministry, and that full, full feeling my heart has every time we arrive. We just received a letter from the Pastor of the church we work with in Mexico. It is still too dangerous to cross the border, although he still does twice a week to lead worship. This man is the most dedicated man of faith I have ever met or even heard of for that matter.
Hoping I will again one day get to see that little church in Mexico that changed me, back when I was a measley little high schooler who thought she knew God. Boy, was I wrong. This place makes my heart overflow with joy and love like I never knew was possible. This place gave me my very first feeling of the Spirit's presence. This is the place that made me want to do youth ministry. made me want to continue with spanish. the place where I met adults I desire to be just like. the ministry that gave me a wonderful relationship with the people at my home church. this is the place where I met people who have shown me how I'm supposed to live and love. and most of all, this is the place that gave me the once and for all real feeling that there is a God up there. and He is all any of us needs. Hoping my kids and their families are safe.

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