Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Spring Break!

(wish I would see this over break)

Taking a little break from packing and cleaning to write my goals for the break:

Catch up on One Year Bible
Finish Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller & start another book. (haven't decided yet)
Get the gang together for wings at the Coop.
Spend as much time as possible catching up with friends.
Relax, relax, relax.
Have a rockin' time with Kristin in SF, SD.

Back to packing, hope you all have a lovely break :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I miss you!! I miss being a part of your to-do-list for the week!!

  3. ha. awkward. it totally looks like i deleted a comment. i didn't have the tears lined up with the crying face so of course i had to realign. i know it would have bothered you as much as it did me. ;) (wink face this time)

  4. Hi,
    I am so glad you and Sharon were able to come down to watch my match. It really meant a lot to have you two there. I hope we will all be able to get together soon again. I miss you guys so much. I wish we lived in the same town!! I hope your break is wonderful and you have a safe trip back to Grand Island.
    Love loves,
