To make a long story short, I took an "assessment" at the Career Services Center at UNL to see what careers I may be good at. I was hoping for destiny to fall into my lap. I was hoping I would get the results back and see a career that I was totally excited and passionate about.
There were seven areas of orientation, I was told to avoid 6 of the 7. Not a whole lot of options there. The one area I wasn't told to avoid was "helping", I wasn't even told to pursue it, just develop it. As far as specific careers, I was told to either explore, develop or pursue careers in international activities, counseling, child development and religious activities, respectively. This was pretty accurate because the current plan is to major in religion, minor in Spanish, then head to seminary for two years. But..I answered yes to questions about traveling, working with kids and going to church. How is that enough to tell me what I should be doing for the rest of my life? Yes, youth ministry is the plan now, but what if I change my mind? What else can I do with a religion major? ahhh so much stress..how am I supposed to know now what I want to do with the next 50 years of my life? I hate planning. I hate stressing. I hate not knowing.
I really just want to travel, have fun, and do something that will help people.
I am the worst decision maker ever. ever.