Sunday, January 24, 2010

Goal Post

Well it's Sunday night again, and last week I forgot to update my "weekly goals". There are a few things I need to get checked off the list this week.

1. Find my sister's birthday present. [Ash, if you're reading this, hints are welcome!]
2. Send "thank you" letter to my Grandma.
3. Mentally prepare myself for the weekend.
--I'm going to a conference for college students going into ministry, and I was excited up until I got an email saying I needed to sign a release form for the ropes course. Wait, what? Ropes course?? Excuse me? Is this 8th grade-learn to trust your teammates-while trying not to cry, vomit or pee your pants-all while hanging from the sky-camp? No, thank you. This really made me not want to go to this conference but I don't want to miss what could be a good opportunity. So, I'll have to suck it up and hope that I don't embarrass myself or lose control of any bodily functions.
--Also...I don't know a single person that I am going to be spending 3 days with. I've never had to go to anything like this by myself, but I suppose it couldn't hurt. Hopefully it will just force me to be a bit more outgoing so I don't look like a loner.
4. Finish reading The Red Tent. It's a required book for my religion class but it's actually really good. I am excited to finally be in a class I look forward to.
5. Get a good start on my paper since I'll be gone all weekend.
6. Try to have a positive attitude about going to my Spanish 304 class. I embarrassed myself once and haven't wanted to go back since. I have never been so scared to go to school, my mind goes completely blank whenever I hear "Ah-lees-ah" come out of Senor Gonzalez's mouth. I sit in class and count down the minutes and pray that I don't get called on. It's pure torture. And, I have two over-achievers for partners which doesn't make matters any better. Why did I have to take a semester off?! I could have had this over with by now. ughhhh, moving on so I don't upset myself anymore.
7. Stay caught up with my One Year Bible.
8. Work out. I haven't been doing such a wonderful job with this, only a few times last week. whoooops. The roomies and I have been baking a lot lately, which is fun and oh-so-wonderful on the taste buds, but doesn't help matters when I am too lazy to work out. :)

**A few things I'm looking forward to this week:
-Dinner tomorrow with the Bible study gals.
-Monday/Wednesday/Thursday night tv. (Wow, I sound like such a couch potato.)
-Coffee with Kelsey
-Real Time
-Possibly seeing Kristin/Lauren on Sunday in Omaha.
-The end of the week...then I only have one week left until I get to see my UNK friends, go home to see my family & see how much the tummy of my adorable pregnant sister has grown. :)

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