Friday, December 31, 2010

headed south.

Well, Lincoln is finally white with snow. And where am I going today? Georgia. Yes, sunny Georgia. Heading to Passion. I'm hoping the snow sticks around for at least another week so I can enjoy it when I get back. It's really hard to pack for snow-65 degrees.
Hoping this trip will bring me closer to the people around me and most importantly to God.
Not so sure I'm ready for an 18 hour bus ride and sleeping upright against a window, but ya gotta get there somehow I guess.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

fail of a night.

My body couldn't have picked a worse day to attack me.
I'd really rather have been sick on Christmas since I get to see my family way more often than my camp family.
I have been giddy for a week now about this camp reunion, and I had to miss it.
I cried and cried--partially because I thought someone was sawing open my skull, but mostly because I had to miss camp.
Still bitter.
Working today
Scrapbooking like a madwoman
Starting my Christmas shopping

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wonderful news.
One of my three year olds and both of his brothers are getting adopted!
It's been hard to find parents who are able/want to have all three boys, so this is very exciting.
I am beyond words happy for them.
And I am so thankful for my parents.
The youngest boy being adopted was born on meth,
and they should have a sister but she died as a baby because of neglect.

I never thought working at a preschool/daycare would be so emotionally taxing.
It's worth every minute, though.
Love my babies. so much.

almost done.

c a n n o t
s t u d y
a n y m o r e.

Final #3 in the morning.
So tired.
and tired of stress.
and worrying.

but, God is good.
and I am determined to accept this part of my plan no matter how it ends up, and no matter how much I cannot fathom the reasoning.

here we go.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Maybe it's because I was cooped up in my small little studio all weekend studying, but today (like most days) I am dying to get out and see the world. Heck, I'd even like to make it to Omaha soon.
Someday, world. Someday.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let it snow

It's finally snowing!
It's blowing all over the place, so not quite the pretty snow I was hoping for, but it's snow. :)
I've got my candy cane dark hot chocolate, I'm covered in blankets and I'm studying by the light of my Christmas tree with some Christmas music.
This is the last study filled weekend I'll have for a month!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

caffeine crisis

Help me.
I am extremely sick of coffee. I have to force myself to swallow it like it's a big pill. My stomach has to be in the mood to drink pop, too. Ahhhh what do I do to stay awake without wanting to gag? Get up every hour and run a lap around my building in 20 degree weather?

Anybody have any tips?
I'm already falling asleep and it's only 9, I've got at least four more hours of paper writing tonight.
Send any ideas my way, please!

Monday, December 6, 2010

I think I can, I think I can..

Deactivated Facebook.
Bought new coffee and lots of comfort food.
(including candy canes for my hot chocolate and gingerbread pancake mix!)
Christmas tree is plugged in.
Blankets out.
Schedule made.
Outside of work/class I am ready to do nothing but study like my life depends on it.
because it does.

I just hope I can sleep when I have time, and stay awake when I don't have time.
That's always been a problem of mine.
Time to get back to work, on a schedule here.
Happy dead week, everyone.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The big 8-0.

This weekend I went home for my Grandma's 80th birthday.
I can't give enough praise or great adjectives to describe how wonderful this woman is,
or how much she has shaped who I am.
Grandmas are just wonderful, aren't they?