Well, it is finally Thanksgiving break and I get to go home in 18 hours!
The day should go pretty fast because I'm planning on sleeping in, watching the DWTS finales and packing before work. Jumping on I-80 straight to the Island after that. eeeeeek.
Bring on the kid quotes...
There is never a dull moment at my job.
My poor little Hope got quite sick, and I got quite lucky because if I had picked her up 3 seconds sooner..well, I probably would have been sick too.
The second after she..ya know, she looked at me, smiling and said "Miss Alyssa, I feel so much better!" Ahh she melts my heart. Poor thing was under anesthesia this morning for the botox injections she has to get in her legs so we're assuming that's the reasoning behind it.
This next conversation was hilarious, I wasn't there but I got a detailed play by play from their morning teacher, Angel.
Ruby: "I have a baby in my tummy!"
Angel: "Did you eat a baby, Ruby?!"
Ruby: "Noooo, I ate an egg!"
Angel: "Well how is this baby going to come out?"
Britta: "At the hopsikal!"
Ben: "Hey, I have a baby in my tummy, too!"
Angel: "Where did you get your baby, Ben?"
Ben: "At Super Saver!"
Yesterday we made cornucopias with ice cream cones, Runts candy and frosting. It was hilarious listening to the different ways they attempted to say "cornucopia". The most popular translations were "corkacolia" and "corlapokia".
Tomorrow is going to be a sad day. Ben and Harper, two of my favorites, (I know, I know, it's awful that I have favorites) are graduating from the Starfish room and becoming Rainbowfish. Ben asked me if I was going to cry, then promised me that he would give me a hug everyday at snack and still let me tie his shoes. :) What a guy.
So..after all that..
Today, I am thankful for...
*A wonderful first night of break. My friend Dave is back in Nebraska for Thanksgiving so we hung out for the night. So wonderful to see him and get a fresh perspective on so many new things.
*The fact that in 18 hours I will be sitting at home!
*Kids who make me laugh.